The Crystal Report Engine DLL generates the following error codes when necessary:
Error Codes
Error Code |
Error |
Explanation |
500 |
There is not enough memory available to complete the call or an incorrect ODBC handle was specified. |
501 |
You have specified a job number that does not exist. |
502 |
You have specified a handle that does not exist. |
503 |
The string you are calling with PEGetHandleString is too long for the buffer allocated. If returned by other routines, it means that the string does not end with a null byte. |
504 |
You have specified a report that does not exist in the path. |
505 |
You have made the PEStartPrintJob call without first specifying a print destination. |
506 |
You have tried to set an Nth file name and the file number you specified is out of the existing range. 0<= fileN < N files. |
507 |
There is an error in the file name you specified. |
508 |
The field number you specified is out of the existing range. 0<=fieldN<= N fields. |
509 |
The program cannot add the field name you specified. |
510 |
The program cannot add the formula name you specified. |
511 |
Sort direction must be either PE_SF_DESCENDING or PE_SF_ASCENDING. You have specified a sort direction other than those allowed. |
512 |
The Report Engine must be open in order for the call to be successful. Your code is lacking a PEOpenEngine call. |
513 |
The printer driver for the printer you specified is missing or there is no default printer installed. |
514 |
The name you have specified for the export file already exists. You must delete the file and export again or specify a different file. |
515 |
There is a formula error in the replacement formula text. Review the formula syntax and retry. This also returns the formula name and a formula message indicating the source of the error. |
516 |
The group section you specified is now invalid in the report, i.e., a group is based on a formula field and the formula has changed so it is no longer suitable for basing a group on. |
517 |
Only one application can access the Report Engine at one time. There is currently another application using the engine. |
518 |
You have given a bad value as the section code for some function like PESetGroupCondition. |
519 |
There is no print window available to make your call successful (for any call that depends on a print window already existing: PEGetWindowHandle, PECloseWindow, PEPrintWindow). |
520 |
You are trying to start a print job that has already been started. This can happen if you start a print job and then try to start printing again before the previous printing has finished. |
521 |
The summary field specified as a group sort field is invalid or non-existent. |
522 |
There are not enough Windows system resources to process the function. |
523 |
You have specified an invalid group condition. |
524 |
You tried to initiate printing while Crystal Reports was already printing a job. |
525 |
There is something wrong with the report you are trying to open. |
526 |
You have not specified a default printer. Specify a default printer via the Windows Control Panel. |
527 |
Unable to connect to the Server or unable to successfully run the SQL query. Some of the most common reasons for the error to occur are: 1. Database Driver DLLs cannot be found. 2. LogOnInfo Parameters are not NULL terminated. 3. Incorrect Logon Parameters. Ensure that the ServerName, DatabaseName, UserId, and Password are all valid for the server that you are trying to logon to. 4. mehr als ein Resultset in der Stored Procedure. |
528 |
You have specified an invalid line number. |
529 |
When printing to file or when sorting, the program requires more room than is available on the disk. |
530 |
In trying to print to file, the program is encountering another file problem besides disk full. |
531 |
You have specified an incorrect password. |
532 |
The database DLL is corrupt. |
533 |
Something is wrong with the database you have specified. You may need to verify using the Database|Verify Database command. |
534 |
The database DLL is corrupt, missing or out of date. Mögliche Ursachen: - Keine Ausführungs-Berechtigung für den Benutzer. -> "Grant exec" muss für die Stored Procedure richtig vergeben werden. - Fehler beim Ausführen der Stored Procedure. -> Die Stored Procedure im QueryAnalyzer überprüfen. |
535 |
You have attempted to log on using incomplete or incorrect session parameters. |
536 |
You have attempted to log on using incomplete or incorrect log on parameters. |
537 |
The table you have specified cannot be found. |
538 |
The structure size of the structure parameter has not been set correctly. |
539 |
You have specified an invalid date using the PESetPrintDate function. |
540 |
The DLL required by your export call is either missing or out of date. This error can also be caused by an invalid export options parameter. |
541 |
An export DLL has reported an error. |
542 |
You are using the previous page control in the print window when you are already at the first page of the report. |
543 |
You are using the next page control in the print window when you are already at the last page of the report. |
544 |
Access to report file denied. Another program or user may be using it. If an OLE-based report is already open in CRW and you are trying to open it via CRPE, the call will fail. |
545 |
The user clicked the cancel button. |
546 |
The program cannot open the report (which includes an OLE 2.0 object) because OLE 2.0 cannot be loaded. |
547 |
You have specified an invalid row or column field in your Crosstab report. |
548 |
You are trying to run a Crosstab report without specifying a summarized field. |
549 |
You have called PEDecodeExportOptions before first calling PEGetExportOptions. |
550 |
You have used an invalid page number with PEShowNthPage. |
552 |
Returned by PESetNthParam when there is no table in the current report that is based on a stored procedure. |
553 |
The parameter you have specified does not exist in the stored procedure, or the value you have entered is not valid for the specified parameter. |
554 |
The graph specified for the section does not exist. |
555 |
The graph type you have indicated with PESetGraphType is not valid. |
556 |
Returned by PESetGraphData if:n the report is a Cross-Tab, and colGroupN or rowGroupN is > 1, or n the report is not a Cross-Tab, and rowGroupN is something other than PE_GRAPH_DATA_NULL_SELECTION or colGroupN+1. |
557 |
Returned by PESetGraphData if the report is not a Crosstab, and colGroupN differs from the graph's current value for colGroupN. |
558 |
Returned by PESetGraphText. The graph text structure PEGraphTextInfo contains an invalid entry. |
559 |
Returned by PESetGraphOptions. The graph options structure, PEGraphOptions contains an invalid entry. |
560 |
Returned by PESetMinimumSectionHeight. The section height specified is either negative or 0; it must be a value greater than 0. |
561 |
Returned by PESetNthParameterField. The valueType specified in the PEParameterFieldInfo structure is invalid for a parameter field. It must be one of the following: number, currency, Boolean, date, or string |
562 |
Returned by PEOpenSubreport. The subreport name passed does not exist. |
564 |
Returned by PESetDialogParentWindow. The parent window handle specified is invalid. |
565 |
Returned by PEZoomPreviewWindow. The zoom factor passed in the level parameter is invalid. It must be 0, 1, 2 >= 25, <= 400, or one of the defined constants. |
567 |
Returned if the total length of the page header and page footer is greater than the length allotted for a page. |
568 |
Returned if GDI memory gets down to 10%. The program will give this message rather than GPF. |
570 |
Returned when the user passes in an invalid group number. This can happen, for example, when the user passes an invalid group number to PEAddGroup. |
572 |
Returned when the user passes in a negative value where a value greater than zero should be passed. This can happen, for example, when the user passes a negative section height to PESetMinimumSectionHeight. |
573 |
Returned when the user passes in an invalid pointer, for example, an invalid structure pointer, an invalid string pointer, etc. |
594 |
Returned when the user passes in an invalid parameter field number, for example, when the user passes an invalid parameter field number to PESetNthParameterField. |
599 |
Returned when the user passes invalid information to PELogonServer, or PELogOffServer. This can happen, for example, if the user does not specify the server name. |
999 |
Internal error. |
Weitere Fehler ohne Error Codes
Fehler |
Erläuterung |
Beim Ausführen des Reports werden in den Feldern Werte anderer Felder ausgegeben. |
Bei Erweiterung eines Resultset-Feldes kann es zu einer Verschiebung kommen, die nicht zu einem Error führt, jedoch zu einem Fehler in der Ausgabe. |